Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Caved ...

So ... after months of resisting my little sister, Heather's, attempt to convince me to start blogging - I caved!  Here it is, my first post.  Let's make a deal ... okay?  I'll let you read if you don't critique my punctuation and English skills.  I know I over use exclamation points, okay?  You don't have to point it out.  Deal? 

What's going on in my super exciting life today?  Sewing -- or attempting to at least!  My friend, Ashley is having a baby and seems to think I have greater sewing skills than I do.  Boy do I have her fooled!  Shhhh ...  Don't tell her!  :)  Everyone in my family knows that - quote from my Mom -"You're not the crafty one!"  (Yep, her gift is encouragement and we all love her for it!  LOL!)  This has become a fun joke in our family and I've been on a mission to prove her wrong.  I even made some of my Christmas gifts last year (gasp)!  Anyway ... back to my sewing project today.  I'm working on making Ashley's sweet baby sheets for her antique cradle since the mattress is not a standard size.  I've made my pattern, basted together one sheet and am on a roll.  Amazingly (so far), I'm not having to make an emergency trip to Hobby Lobby to replace the fabric that Ashley bought. 

There you go, Heather.  I've started my blog.  I've posted my first life-changing bit of information!  I know your life is better for reading it!


  1. I'm so excited to be the first one to post a comment on your blog. And, I definately do not think you over use the "!". Also, I consider you a most crafty person. Bottom line is I love hearing about your life following Christ and I certainly love you!!

    So where's Heather now that you've jumped off this bridge and opened your life to the world. LOL

  2. You have no idea how much you enriched my life today! :) Welcome to the blogging world. Your groupies are going to love you even more now! I'll accept your deal if you promise not to critique my spelling (anymore ... LOL).

  3. Yeah for your first post!
    Good luck on the crib sheets! How fun! My mom made almost all of my crib sheets and they are my favorites.
    P.S. My exclamation point to period ratio was higher then yours, so it looks like I'm not allowed to make fun of your punctuation! ;)

  4. Well, I truly enjoyed your first blog and am glad to know that my encouragement has caused you to prove me wrong!

  5. You are doing an amazing job, I am sure of it! Looking forward to keeping up with you all via the blog!

    (and I overuse exclamation points too!)

  6. I'm a groupie!! Thanks, Dana, for being Dana - the Crafty One in your own right! :)

    Looking forward to stalking you on a regular basis...
