Friday, March 11, 2011

Read Between the Lines!

  • I'm so ready for Doug to be home.
  • Last night at 11:30, I was chasing sleds down the street due to the ridiculously strong winds we had.  They blew out from under the deck where they are stored.
  • I'm sure my neighbors appreciated the woman in her pajama pants and son's snow boots running frantically trying to catch sleds.  I know it was an exceptionally graceful show!
  • My 11 year old sons boots are too big for me.
  • I can't wait for Doug to come home.
  • I bribed my kids today with a movie and sleeping in Mom's bed in order to get extra chores done today without complaints.
  • I'm not ashamed ... you know you bribe your kids too.  Don't judge!
  • Adyson announced that her favorite chore is dusting. 
  • I would never want to be accused of not allowing my child to do their favorite chore.  Adyson is now crowned "Queen of the Dust"!  :)
  • I can't wait for Doug to come home.
  • Adyson:  "Mom, my manners are stuck in my head so good."  Me (out loud):  "Good for you.  I noticed that."  Me (thinking to myself):  "It's about time.  It only took 7 1/2 years."
  • Today Benjamin went from loving me and saying I was the best mom in the world, to telling me I was mean and not fair, to loving me all in a time frame of about 15 minutes.
  • Joy ... teen years are just around the corner.  Uggghhh ...
  • I'm not sure of my current parenting status with Benjamin.  Am I still cool and the best or have I fallen out of good graces again??  I'm so confused.
  • I can't wait for Doug to come home.
  • Benjamin got a new game at AWANA on Wednesday.  Apparently, I'm not smart enough to figure out how to play it.  Has anyone ever played Othello?  I don't understand the strategy.
  • I made my favorite smoked chicken alfredo pizza today with a homemade honey wheat crust.  YUMMMMY!  It's Friday night food.
  • I'm so ready for Doug to be home. 
  • Benjamin just informed me it is no longer a cool treat to sleep in Mom's bed.  He's moving to his own bed after the movie.  (sigh ... there's that growing up thing again ...)   
  • Adyson, on the other hand, is pumped to get to sleep with Mom! 
  • Something tells me I should have borrowed someones football pads to sleep with Adyson.  She's dangerous!  :)
  • Have I mentioned that I'm so ready for Doug to be home?


  1. Laura Carey-JedlickMarch 11, 2011 at 9:47 PM

    You are awesome, and you are correct, I do bribe my child now and again! LOL

    No doubt, Doug is just as ready to be home.

  2. I cannot imagine having my husband gone as much as yours has been over the past several months...but on the plus side next time you go with him!

  3. Man, I can so identify!! I wanted to leave a bowl of cheerios on the floor for the girls then lock myself in a room when I got the stomach bug while Phillip was gone.
    Thanks for the encouragement that it gets easier when the kids get older...

  4. Hey Dana! It's Jennifer from Pampa! We have a blog too!! Love yours...are you ready for Doug to be home?? :)

  5. We had an Othello game when the kids were little but I don't remember any thing about it. Are you ready for Doug to come home!:)

  6. I love Othello! Spencer and I played it when we were little. I am trying to remember how that tricky little game is played... hmmmm.

    Love the blog. I can so TOTALLY here you laughing while doing every one of those things... from chasing sleds, to wrangling kiddos during a church remodeling, to crowning little Ady "queen of the dust." It makes me smile to think of you as a mom.
